
Friday, March 18, 2011

Project Big Girl

So I finally bit the bullet and decided to start removing the daddoo from Blake's life. When grandparents found out about this, they all said they did not want to be around when this happened as we are all expecting lots of tears from the little girl who loves it so much! We've all heard the story of daddoo-weaning from baby Allison, and I have no hard feelings towards my parents so I knew Blake wouldn't hate me forever!

Anyway, yesterday was Day 1. Nap #1: I had talked to Blake about it all morning, but when the time came she still cried and cried and wanted to be held. There was lots of soothing, hugging, and rocking before she was completely ready to lay down. Somewhere in there I decided I was crazy to go cold-turkey because nighttime would be a nightmare since Easton isn't sleeping all night yet. So Nap #2: We made a deal and I told Blake that if she would take a good nap, then she would have the daddoo back at nighttime (bribery, I know!) But the deal worked, and Blake laid down and took a nap, no problem!

Day 2- Nap #1: Again we talked about no daddoos for naps and Blake laid down with no problems! 5 minutes later, when I thought we had success... Blake starts crying and asking for me. I went in her room, and soothed her, reminded her that daddoos are for nighttime now. No more tears, and she went to sleep!

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