
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Two and a Half

Easton is changing so much these days and is growing up (Fast!) right before my eyes. Everyday he says new words, bigger words, longer sentences, and amazes me. He has a sweet heart and will spontaneously say "I love you, momma," or do something sweet or helpful without being asked. He has a temper and gets MAD when he's mad. He plays a little too rough sometimes, loves to read, puzzles, play "kickball" or catch with daddy, or play barn. Easton loves to help pick out his clothes, loves his boots (always wants to wear them) and is now potty-trained! He finally decided he was ready and wanted to wear his "chonies" (which he loves to call them like his cousin Santiago). He's only had one accident this week, and I'm anxious to hear how he did at school today in them. Also, big change - he didn't cry at drop off today! He pouted a little before, but once we walked in and he put his stuff away, he told me bye and walked over to play with play-doh with the others. Hopefully soon, he'll go in excitedly!

At 2.5, Easton is becoming more independent in some ways, although he wants to be held a lot, and he comes into our bed all the time!

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