
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Easton Update

Just wanted to jot down a few things about Easton at 18 months old:
-he is down to 1 nap a day now, usually 3 hours long
-Easton goes to sleep around 7:30 to 8:00 PM still, and sleeps til 7:00 or 7:30 (yay!)
-he loves to help do things, carry things for me, put things away, etc. Also, he can open the fridge door so he can "help" himself to food he thinks he needs, or his favorite milk!
-favorite new word is "there" ("Easton, where's ______?" he'll answer "there" while pointing)
-loves to run, climb, and jump (his jump is more like a step with exaggerated arm movement and stomping feet!) going along with that: he falls and/or bumps into things a lot!
-My FAVORITE thing he started doing recently is holding a toy truck, car, boat, etc. pushing it along the floor with one hand, crawling behind it "vroom"ing around the house! Such a boy thing to do!
-loves to play with Blake and follows her around all the time
-is a very loving boy, who gives sweet little kisses, big hugs, and cuddles!

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