When I was 8 or 9, I was a pumpkin for Halloween. My sweet mom made my costume and kept it all these years. I asked for it the other day because I'm having a hard time finding a pumpkin for Blake to "still pumpkin" (still be a pumpkin). Here she is being silly in my old costume (that goes down to her knees!!) She tucked her arms in and was just running and running around.

Easton is hard to bathe these days. I've been bathing both kids together, but Easton only wants to stand up, so naturally he pulls up on the side of the tub and then grabs for me.... over and over and over. I have to keep sitting him back down to try to wash him. So tonight, I thought I'd try the kitchen sink again. My mom helped me give him a kitchen sink bath in Florida, so I figured why not?

He hated it. Easton started screaming after I put him in, then thought it might be ok until he splashed himself in the face... then he hated it again.

Easton is a mess! He's also a fast little dude when he gets going. Occasionally he still likes to do his one armed army-crawl, but mostly he books it around crawling to whatever he decides to get into next. Here he is tonight after his bath.

Silly sister Blake! She is hard to get a picture of these days with all her funny faces.

But she loves her brother, (although she gets so mad if he gets into her stuff. We're working on that issue!) Blake wanted to play with Easton, so she said she needed to crawl.

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