My sweet boy is 8 months old. Easton Ray continues to be so sweet and loving and the biggest delight! (besides his sister) He is very inquisitive as he tries to figure out how everything works, and has become very vocal! As I mentioned earlier, Easton is a fast crawler and is so strong. He loves to stand, but I'm trying to delay that as much as I can by sitting him down or putting him on his tummy to play!! (not very effective)

My poor boy is having a horrible time teething, as is his poor Momma! Oh my gosh, the nights we have been having......... But that's ok, just more time to cuddle, right?!

Other happenings at 8 months:
-loves to squeal and babble, can say "dada", bounce on his knees, kick his legs repeatedly when excited, be outside, peek-a-boo, giving hugs and kisses, and eating!! He grabs for the spoon and likes to help put it in his mouth, tries to do his sippy cup himself, too, still loves to be held, but is doing pretty well at independent play as he explores! Easton is a busy bee!
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