Tim and I always do our grocery shopping for the upcoming week together on the weekend, usually Sunday. Now of course, Blake joins us, too. Usually she sits up front in the shopping cart, occasionally in her stroller, and sometimes I carry her for a quick trip. Today, she wouldn't even think of sitting in the cart! Now that Blake can walk, she wants to walk all the time. Nonstop. Around and around the house. Outside. Anywhere. She can get pretty bossy about it. She's getting pretty good at walking alone. She can stand up by herself without using her hands. She can turn around and walk another direction, but she still loves and is most comfortable walking around holding onto one of your fingers. She'll come up to you and grunt and groan while yanking on your finger if you don't get up right away.
Anyway, today at HEB Blake decided she wouldn't sit or be held or even walk while holding onto fingers. She had to push the cart. Had to. Our shopping trip today took a long time! We had to walk baby speed while pushing the cart behind Blake.

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