One of Blake's favorite things to do at my parents' house is to look at the bunnies. I think they are Cottontails, but I could be wrong. Anyway, she loves to look out the window to see them and especially go walking around outside to look at them. This past weekend,
Pappaw called and told us to get our camera ready for what he was bringing over. This is what he brought...

A teeny, baby rabbit! Blake definitely didn't know what to think about it at first, but she became more sure and eventually just grabbed it. A little exploration, and...

soon enough we're
lovin' on the bunny.

I made him take it back to his barn where he found it, and we washed our hands and bathed really well. A little nature won't hurt right?!? ha ha
Side note: I am well-aware that Blake looks like a
ragamuffin! The wind was blowing her hair in her face really badly. She will not allow a barrette or clip or bow or anything in her hair, so I try to keep it brushed to the side. I just feel like we'll get back in a clip soon or her hair will be long enough to keep behind her ears, whichever comes first! I really don't want to cut it!!
Don't give up on trying to get a clip in! Grace's looks exactly like that and I kept trying a hairband or bow and she'd pull it out. After about a month of that she's finally leaving them in. I think she figured out that it keeps the hair out of her eyes!