We were blessed with great weather on the day of Blake's 1st Birthday! The week-of-wind let up and we had a beautiful, warm, sunny day. (As I'm writing this, it's raining and 44 outside.) Blake rode in her wagon for the first time along with her cousin Santiago.

These sweet kiddos are only 5 weeks apart. Here they are about to hug each other. If you tell Blake to "love on" something or someone, she will lean over and put her head on them, or hug on them.

Thank you everyone for celebrating Blake's birthday, and thank you for all the presents! My goodness, Blake is so blessed (maybe spoiled, you should see all her clothes and toys!)

Here is Blake with Grammy Tina and Grandpa Ricardo.

looking at a birthday card

playing in her mountain of new clothes
Cake time certainly didn't go like we expected. I really thought Blake would be so excited and would just stuff her face and that we would have to take the cake away from her. But Blake was very tentative and kept looking at me to make sure it was okay to do.

She did have quite a few bites, but didn't get anywhere as messy as I thought she would! She also quit eating on her own and was ready to move on. I wish I could have the same level of self-control around sweets.

Here is the chocolate-loving girl with Grandpa Monty and Grandma Karen.

Happy Birthday Blake! She is such a pretty little girl Alli!