Friday night, after we had just opened Blake's presents from us, it was bath time. We bought Blake new squirting bath toys, and this cute frog bath organizer. The basket pulls off to scoop up all the toys and then you attach it back to the frog to drain. (Tim also bought her a baby golf set, but that doesn't apply to this story!)

So I'm giving Blake a bath and Tim's mom Tina is watching us. Blake loves to take baths and tries to climb in the tub all by herself. She also loves chewing on wet washrags. I was trying to wash Blake with the washrag, but she wanted it, so I got another one out to wash her with. Everything was going fine, until we started draining the tub. I was scooping up all the toys in the frog basket and I only could find one washrag. I asked Tina where the second one went, but she didn't know. About that time, the water stopped draining! (Our house is really old and the bathtub drain is just an open circle, with no stopper or anything.) The washrag had gone down the drain!! Ooops. Tim says Blake and I are expensive...

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