Blake's personality is starting to shine through more and more. Grammy gave her a cute outfit that says "A giggle makes me wiggle," and it's so true! When Blake smiles or laughs, her whole body wiggles with her excitement. Her voice is getting louder and louder and she is really enjoying talking to herself in her crib, the mirror, her toys, or anybody who gets close enough to talk back! She has quite the vocabulary of baby talk! She has turned over twice now from her back to her tummy. It takes her awhile to get her arm out from underneath, and she definitely doesn't have the move mastered, but she's continually exploring her world. She also has a new trick that both Tim and I encourage by participating in fully!.... sticking her tongue out (nuh-uh-uh-uh-uhhhh style) and blowing raspberries! It's too funny, I tried to catch it in this video but she kept noticing me....
Blake is really enjoying her exersaucer. It's great, it has lights, music, lots of interactive toys, parts that crinkle when she touches them.... all kinds of things. A couple weeks ago Blake would just slump and fall to the side, not strong enough to stand and play. But now she can stretch and push herself upright while she plays, and she loves all the toys and noises (for now she doesn't know that she is making the toys play their sounds when she hits and pulls them...) Here she is playing her little heart out!

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