We left Thursday night for Frisco to stay with Tim's parents while we were in town for Tyson and Jami's wedding in Denison. Man it's hot over there! And we know what that means... a fussy Blake! She did really well for most of the trip, but both the rehearsal dinner night and the wedding night, she got fussy because she was a little warm and not asleep in a bed. But the wedding was beautiful, Jami looked gorgeous, and it was great to see everyone again. Congratulations to Jami and Tyson! and congratulations soon to Jeff and Diana, Jake and Lindsey, and Jordan and Travis!!

In other news, Blake is now consistently rolling onto her sides, although she prefers to roll to her left. (maybe a lefty like Daddy??) She likes to reach and touch people's faces, and loves to pull on long hair.

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