We went to our friends Tori and Greg's house last night for dinner. They are our new friends who live just down the street that intersects with our street. Tori and I have been taking walks together, and Tim and Greg like to play golf together. Their daughter Geneva is 2 weeks old, and is Blake's first friend (outside of family members of course!) Here is their first picture together.

Blake and Geneva's birth weights and heights were almost identical, within 1 ounce and .25 inch of each other! They are going to be great buddies! We were joking last night wondering who would be the instigator between the two - I'm sure they'll think of lots to get into together. Last night they even fussed at the same times, it was kind of funny. After a yummy meal and a rushed dessert due to Blake needing to get home, Blake immediately fell asleep on the quick trip home.

Hopefully we didn't wear out our welcome!! Wouldn't you know that Blake didn't fuss anymore once we stepped out of their house to get home.
HAHA, I posted about this yesterday too! I just don't think the girls have realized how much fun they are going to have together yet :) We'll just have to keep trying until we get it right. Hope you have fun at the lake this weekend!