Blake and I went up to Milam's 2nd and 3rd grade Field Day today. It was a really nice morning, with a cool breeze and temps in the 70s. Blake did very well and slept for some of the time and just contentedly looked around at everything and everybody who held her. All the teachers and parents said she looks like Tim, and even some of the kids said she didn't look like me! My kiddos were so excited to see Blake and just about every student ran up to hug me. It's amazing how much they like you when you don't teach them everyday! They dedicated their Tug-of-War victory to "Mrs. Trevino's baby!" It was alot of fun to go see them all. It makes me feel good to know that everybody realizes now that I didn't have the perfect class of perfect, well-behaved kids while they didn't, but that we worked really hard and my strictness (if that's a word) made my kiddos behave! I so much appreciate my wonderful sub who is allowing me to stay home while she teaches for me!! Thanks Wendy!
This is just a picture of Blake relaxing with Tim on the couch. It was just a cute, content look so I had to include it. Definitely lookin' like her Daddy! Good thing I like the way he looks!!!
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