My little man is 11 months old today!

Easton is quite the character and growing up so fast. He babbles all the time, "da da" being his favorite, "ma ma" comes out only when he's sad and pouty!

Easton also sings along to songs, crawls so fast, empties out drawers or containers and then puts things back in, loves to splash in the bathtub, loves playing with his sister, loves throwing things down to see who will pick it up, and is trying to walk. He has taken a couple tiny steps a few times and is getting more and more sure on his feet.

I think Easton is going to be a little more social than his big sister, as he seems to be less cautious about trying new situations out... but we'll see.

Easton has 8 teeth, but it seems more are popping out all the time. He is a big eater and is loving real food. He nurses usually 2 times a day only. Tim always jokes that I must not feed the kids because of the quantities they consume, but they just like their food! Easton will laugh "huh huh hhhuuhh" when he gets a new bite of snack, like each time Blake handed him a Goldfish cracker today, or to answer when I ask if he wants more (with trying to teach sign language) - he just giggles, like to say of course I do! He is a lean little guy probably around 21 pounds or so, and at this point I'm still predicting him to turn out to be a lefty like his daddy.
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