Happy Half-Birthday Easton! Time really flies with the 2nd child... Slow down life! My sweet good-natured little boy is 6 months old! He weighs 18 pounds and is in 9 month clothing. He can army-crawl and scoot anywhere he wants to go, and rocks back and forth on his hands and knees. He loves grabbing things, especially his feet, any toy of Blake's as she plays nearby, long hair, blowing raspberries, and kicking his legs. Easton will look at people, catch their eye and give them the biggest smile... Easton has one tooth poked through so far.
"Hey Mama! Cheese!"


"Got my toes!"

"Hey Blake, look, I got my toes!"

Easton is doing pretty well eating solids. He doesn't just gobble it down, but we get the job done.

and because Blake always wants a picture with "my boy" (that's what she calls him these days, never his name).

His 6 month check-up is next week, we'll see his stats then.
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