Or Happy July, as Blake was telling me today! We spent a wonderful weekend at the lake with my parents and my brother. (Katie was missed, but she was home with her family growing a baby!)

We already knew that this is an easy-going baby (another thing just like his dad!), but Easton was a trooper at the lake! He had his first hair-cut, his first time eating rice cereal, and his first time swimming! More details on those later...

And Blake was so much fun! She really did great in the water and had a ball playing with her silly uncle and grandparents.

We got to the lake Friday night, but Blake rode down with my parents earlier that day. She went swimming (it was warm enough this trip!) with a life jacket and floaties on. My parents said she did great kicking and would even swim back and forth between them! I couldn't believe it, because she's so cautious... I couldn't wait to see her in action. Blake also loves boat rides, so Saturday morning after breakfast we all went on a boat ride while we waited for Travis to arrive.

Blake was excited to feed the ducks with her daddy at a close-by dock.

The boat ride put Easton to sleep! So he finished his nap back at the dock while we swam.

Blake especially liked to swim over to the "gooey" (buoy) and touch it.

Even Easton got in. He loved the warm water and kept kicking his legs!

Since he liked it so much, Grandma got two rafts out and both Blake and Easton liked getting to float by themselves.

Uncle Bubba had them both laughing so hard!

By the end of the weekend, even Hannah couldn't stand it and had to swim, too!
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