Everyone is amazed by just how much this little boy looks like his daddy. It makes me smile, because to me he is a miniature Tim in looks, mannerisms, everything! I wonder if it'll stay that way...

Well my little love bug is 2 months old today and is the best. Easton is smiling alot now (for about 1.5 weeks now), can roll over from front to back! (which he did for the first time 3 times yesterday, 2 of which I didn't see, but he decided he had had enough of tummy time and was on his back when I turned back to him!), and coos and babbles in the sweetest voice. He lifts his head and chest up so high and is strong. Easton straightens out his legs and puts a little weight on them like he wants to stand, when you hold him on your lap.
His 2 month check-up is on Monday, and I can't wait to see his stats on how big he is!

Somebody else wanted in the pictures

Sweet sibling love!!

Blake's showing me where he got a kiss!

We're busy getting ready to head to the lake for the weekend. Erin is getting married in Austin, so we'll be staying there for the weekend's festivities! Both kids are fresh from baths, and Blake is being a helper, helping Momma pack up.

"That's enough Momma!"
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