They told us Easton would be sleepy for about 8 hours after the circ procedure, and he was. He was out to the world yesterday, just about passed out cold!
Easton's bilirubin level was at a 17, which is the highest he got at the hospital too, then 16 under bili-lights 1 day, then down to 13 on day 2. Anyway, our little man is having no problem eating or gaining weight, he weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces on circ day! He has gained almost a whole pound over his birth weight in 2 weeks. Go us! So the problem is not that he's not getting enough to eat, but that something in the breast milk is not working with his system to rid the body of the bilirubin. Doctor's orders were to stop breastfeeding and start formula to drop the bilirubin levels since apparently "breast milk jaundice" runs in this family! We went back this morning for another bilirubin test, which was 14.5. Poor baby has to go back again tomorrow morning for another test, and as long as the number is lower than today's, we don't have to test anymore and will just let the bilirubin finish going down on its own and resume breastfeeding. Easton's poor heels are so tender from all the heel pricks! Let's hope this is the last of it for awhile.
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