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Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Cute Boy, too
Let's not forget this sweet little man. He gives such sweet cuddles that I am just eating up. Blake kisses him about 20 times a day, and then between mine and Tim's... this little boy is loved!
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Sweet girl and Blake-ism
This little girl is the most fun! I am so enjoying my days off with her... just last night as I was watching Dancing with the Stars, Blake was dancing along. All of the sudden she stops and points at the TV and looks at me and says "nakey Mommy!" I laughed so hard because she was so right, the girl's costume was very small and revealing!
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Monday, March 28, 2011
still here
Yes I know that I haven't blogged lately, but my computer is down. As soon as I can upload pictures, I will blog for real again!
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Friday, March 18, 2011
Project Big Girl
So I finally bit the bullet and decided to start removing the daddoo from Blake's life. When grandparents found out about this, they all said they did not want to be around when this happened as we are all expecting lots of tears from the little girl who loves it so much! We've all heard the story of daddoo-weaning from baby Allison, and I have no hard feelings towards my parents so I knew Blake wouldn't hate me forever!
Anyway, yesterday was Day 1. Nap #1: I had talked to Blake about it all morning, but when the time came she still cried and cried and wanted to be held. There was lots of soothing, hugging, and rocking before she was completely ready to lay down. Somewhere in there I decided I was crazy to go cold-turkey because nighttime would be a nightmare since Easton isn't sleeping all night yet. So Nap #2: We made a deal and I told Blake that if she would take a good nap, then she would have the daddoo back at nighttime (bribery, I know!) But the deal worked, and Blake laid down and took a nap, no problem!
Day 2- Nap #1: Again we talked about no daddoos for naps and Blake laid down with no problems! 5 minutes later, when I thought we had success... Blake starts crying and asking for me. I went in her room, and soothed her, reminded her that daddoos are for nighttime now. No more tears, and she went to sleep!
Anyway, yesterday was Day 1. Nap #1: I had talked to Blake about it all morning, but when the time came she still cried and cried and wanted to be held. There was lots of soothing, hugging, and rocking before she was completely ready to lay down. Somewhere in there I decided I was crazy to go cold-turkey because nighttime would be a nightmare since Easton isn't sleeping all night yet. So Nap #2: We made a deal and I told Blake that if she would take a good nap, then she would have the daddoo back at nighttime (bribery, I know!) But the deal worked, and Blake laid down and took a nap, no problem!
Day 2- Nap #1: Again we talked about no daddoos for naps and Blake laid down with no problems! 5 minutes later, when I thought we had success... Blake starts crying and asking for me. I went in her room, and soothed her, reminded her that daddoos are for nighttime now. No more tears, and she went to sleep!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
2 year Check-Up
Today Blake, Easton and I went to Dr. B's for her 2 year check-up. We did pretty good, Easton fussed a little at first, but slept through the rest of the appointment, thank goodness!
Dr. B's PA student did the initial check while he was at the hospital checking on babies, and then he came in to check her work. Blake was a little hesitant about everything, being weighed, measured, listened to, and all that, but warmed up soon after. She is in the 95th percentile for height at 36.5 inches, weighs 26 pounds, and her head measures 47 cm. She checked out perfectly healthy and won't go back til next year for a little check, and then at 4 years for her next immunizations. She was all up to date on her shots and didn't get any today! The doctor tried to get a urine sample by having her go in a cup, but that totally didn't work out as she has only gone in the potty once on a fluke! He forgot she wasn't potty trained and said we would just do that at her 4 year check (which makes way more sense than having a 2 year old pee in a cup!)
Blake is still taking 2 naps a day (with daddoo), wears 2T and 3T clothes, size 7 shoe, and size 4 diapers. She has gone tee-tee in the potty once, 2 days before her birthday, and the next night went a little on the floor! Potty-training will be when she's ready. Blake likes to tell me how to take care of Easton, and likes to help. She loves her babydolls - she'll swaddle them, give them bottles and even nurses them! Blake lifts her shirt and stick her babydoll's head against her chest, saying "nurse baby" and then switches sides saying "other ninny" (my grandmother calls them ninnies!)
Dr. B's PA student did the initial check while he was at the hospital checking on babies, and then he came in to check her work. Blake was a little hesitant about everything, being weighed, measured, listened to, and all that, but warmed up soon after. She is in the 95th percentile for height at 36.5 inches, weighs 26 pounds, and her head measures 47 cm. She checked out perfectly healthy and won't go back til next year for a little check, and then at 4 years for her next immunizations. She was all up to date on her shots and didn't get any today! The doctor tried to get a urine sample by having her go in a cup, but that totally didn't work out as she has only gone in the potty once on a fluke! He forgot she wasn't potty trained and said we would just do that at her 4 year check (which makes way more sense than having a 2 year old pee in a cup!)
Blake is still taking 2 naps a day (with daddoo), wears 2T and 3T clothes, size 7 shoe, and size 4 diapers. She has gone tee-tee in the potty once, 2 days before her birthday, and the next night went a little on the floor! Potty-training will be when she's ready. Blake likes to tell me how to take care of Easton, and likes to help. She loves her babydolls - she'll swaddle them, give them bottles and even nurses them! Blake lifts her shirt and stick her babydoll's head against her chest, saying "nurse baby" and then switches sides saying "other ninny" (my grandmother calls them ninnies!)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
One Month Old

Our little man turned one month old today. He finally is a big boy because his umbilical cord remains finally fell off today! Weird enough, Blake's took exactly one month to fall off, too... Easton is a good baby, but lets you hear about it when he's hungry: which is about every 2 - 2.5 hours! He loves to be cuddled and is happiest next to someone, which just means Momma has to cuddle alot! Every night here lately, around 9:00 we have about an hour's worth of crying and fussing as Easton fights sleep as hard as possible. Life with 2 babies is an adjustment, and I'm still figuring it all out. But isn't he cute?? Love him!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Blake's 2nd Birthday

Monday, March 7, 2011
Lazy Monday

Blake has been talking about her birthday alot.. she says "baby butt-day, bake! two old" a.k.a. baby's birthday, Blake, two years old. She gets so excited talking about it, I bet she is even more excited when it actually comes. She pouted when she already wanted her cake and I told her she would have it on Saturday.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Bili Update
Just for my own records...
Dr. B called with Easton's results around lunchtime today. Bili is down to 11.5. So unless we notice deep yellowing, like on his palms or soles of his feet around Wednesday, we should be home free. Breastfeeding resumed.
Dr. B called with Easton's results around lunchtime today. Bili is down to 11.5. So unless we notice deep yellowing, like on his palms or soles of his feet around Wednesday, we should be home free. Breastfeeding resumed.
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Friday, March 4, 2011
Extra Sleepy

They told us Easton would be sleepy for about 8 hours after the circ procedure, and he was. He was out to the world yesterday, just about passed out cold!
Easton's bilirubin level was at a 17, which is the highest he got at the hospital too, then 16 under bili-lights 1 day, then down to 13 on day 2. Anyway, our little man is having no problem eating or gaining weight, he weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces on circ day! He has gained almost a whole pound over his birth weight in 2 weeks. Go us! So the problem is not that he's not getting enough to eat, but that something in the breast milk is not working with his system to rid the body of the bilirubin. Doctor's orders were to stop breastfeeding and start formula to drop the bilirubin levels since apparently "breast milk jaundice" runs in this family! We went back this morning for another bilirubin test, which was 14.5. Poor baby has to go back again tomorrow morning for another test, and as long as the number is lower than today's, we don't have to test anymore and will just let the bilirubin finish going down on its own and resume breastfeeding. Easton's poor heels are so tender from all the heel pricks! Let's hope this is the last of it for awhile.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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