This is posted late, but dated correctly for my records!

We arrived at the hospital around 5:15 AM to get all set up for delivery. We were the first surgery of the day and went back right on schedule at 7:30. I was worried about coughing during delivery and messing the doctors up, but they said not to worry about it, that it wouldn't be a problem. Boy, were they right. The spinal block I received immediately "paralyzed" me and when I tried to cough during surgery (because I was still a little congested from the flu the week before) I couldn't. During delivery, Easton did not want to leave my tummy and really had to be pulled out. The doctors kept saying he has a big head and that he was stuck down in my pelvic bones. I felt alot of pressure on my ribs as the PA really had to press everything he had down on my chest to try to help Dr. L pull him out below. Everything went great, and Easton Ray Trevino was born at 8:00 AM at 7 pounds 14 ounces and 19.5 inches long. I was concerned for a little bit as I didn't hear him cry right away. Everybody said not to worry, and after a little assistance, I heard his sweet cry! Later I was told he had to have help from the breathing bag you hand-squeeze (the ones you see on dr. shows).

Here is our first picture as a family of four! Blake was so excited to meet her baby brother Easty!

In recovery, my oxygen levels weren't reaching what the nurses wanted them to and I had to keep trying to take deep breaths to improve my % every time the machine beeped that it had gone below 90%. I was put on oxygen to help me breathe better, and had chest x-rays taken on Wednesday morning that showed some cloudiness in my lower lungs that might be pneumonia coming on. Antibiotics were started once a day for me, and for 10 days after going home, which really helped my congestion and finish off my cough. Thank goodness I didn't get pneumonia!

Of course, I'm partial, but I think my son is so handsome! He looks like his daddy, and I can't imagine life before him now that he's here. Blake loves sitting with him and always wants to hold him. She really wants him to wake up when he's sleeping, and just talks all about him.

I was released on Friday, but Easton was kept another day under the bili-lights to treat his jaundice. He had started treatment on Friday and the hospital had room for us to board, like we did with Blake, while he stayed in the nursery. We were so ready to get home and be all together and in our own home!

Here's our little Red Raiders! Easton's outfit swallowed him up, but he wore the same hat and booties that Blake came home in. Isn't his little Texas Tech tie onesie so cute?!?!

My two little loves! Here we are finally getting home Saturday evening!
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