I found 2 cute toys in the toy box today!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Cookin with the Trevino's
Easton slept til 9 today and I would say both kiddos are feeling pretty good. They're both cookin' in Blake's room, or rather Blake is cooking and Easton is opening all the doors over and over.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
We went back to the doctor for Easton's ear check up... turns out both ears are infected again, plus he has broncioloitis. Weird because he is about the same age to the day that Blake was when she had bronciolitis and RSV. Easton tested neg for RSV though!
I asked to have Blake checked too because she has a cough, runny nose, and had a fever for 3 days... turns out she just has a cold but is on the upside of it. Let's hope they're all better soon.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Own Two Feet
And so it begins... I caught Easton standing on his own twice today. For a very long time too, that is until I tried to take a picture the first time. The second time was in the bathtub so he was promptly put back on his tush.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
10 Months

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
More Winter Fun

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Cheap Fun
My mom always told me one of the cheapest toys to entertain your kid with was a box of Kleenex..... Easton found one and agrees!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Well as I've been discovering already, boys are a whole different world! I can see Easton's wheels turning as he tries to figure out how to climb on things, or he will completely empty a drawer of underwear before I can even blink... busy in a whole new way than Blake was.
As of earlier today, my broken ornament count was at 5 (I keep thinking they've all been moved high enough...) but then we went to Dillard's. As I was browsing at a display table with Easton in one arm and something in my other I was looking for the price on, I tried too late to warn Tim to help me release the ornament from Easton's grasp. He grabbed a glass ornament from the tabletop Christmas tree next to us and down it went. All I could do was watch as the tree fell and the loudest crash ever filled the store. And then you heard a collective gasp from the crowd. Sooo embarrassing. I wanted to laugh but in my head I was estimating how much we would be spending on the broken glass ornaments... lucky for us, they were very gracious and were only worried about Easton's safety and declined any help towards the mess!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wedding Weekend

The weekend before Thanksgiving we were in Frisco for Kane’s wedding. The beautiful reception was held at the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas, and it was fun! Loved how Kane serenaded his bride to "Don't Know Much" for their first dance!
Blake did not like all the pictures being taken but she had a ball dancing all around the place. I sure got my exercise chasing her around in my heels! She is still talking about the wedding with the airplanes, and wants to go back to it, and to the hotel we stayed in that night.
We ate well, drank a little, caught up with friends, but I left early with the kiddos because Easton was turning into a pumpkin. (it was time to go!) No, he didn't drink any, he just liked gnawing on the cold bottle! ha ha
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
So we get there, wait the short amount for our turn, and we're ready. I purposely turn to the photographer and ask "are you ready or do I need to wait?" She says she's ready whenever I am, so we sit the kids down and everybody's smiling! Blake is happy, Easton is happy, such a great picture and memory!! I was standing in front of the photographer kinda to the side to make sure they were both looking in the right direction, so I turn to look at the photographer and nothing! Then Easton turned to see who was holding him, and started screaming-crying! And the photographer starts clicking pictures. Ha! Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
First Snow

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Christmas Parade
Last night we decided to join some friends downtown to watch the Christmas Parade. We bundled up, Easton slept in his stroller, and we had a ball. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a good size parade with cute floats, free hot cocoa, fire pits, food trucks... lots of stuff. Blake and Geneva liked dancing to all the marching bands playing carols and picking up the candy being thrown. The downtown Christmas tree was going to light up at 9:00 so we obviously didn't see that, but we had fun!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Christmas Toy Drive
Give back this holiday season.
Donate a toy to a child in need for Christmas!
3 ways to donate:
· Buy a toy for a child in your life, and the free product value earned will go towards toy drive
· Buy a toy to donate to the toy drive
· Donate money (any amount helps!) towards the purchase of a toy
Discovery Toys are high quality, educational learning toys, books, games, puzzles and music for children ages infant through early school years. They hold a lifetime warranty and are fun child-powered toys!
While shopping for the ones you love this holiday season, help out a child who is less fortunate. All proceeds go towards CASA of West Texas and Salvation Army Toy Drive.
Toys viewable at www.discoverytoyslink.com/allisontrevino
Email all orders to allitrevino@gmail.com (to count towards this toy drive), or stop by 2516 Humble Avenue on December 10th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon to see toys in person, place orders, or drop off donation!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Shakin' it
Blake and Hazel were shakin' their groove thing to Hot Chelle Rae on Live with Kelly this morning! We had to listen to the song several times so they could keep dancing.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Early Present

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
9 month check~up
Easton went to Dr. B's this morning for his well check. He weighed in at 20 lbs 5 ounces (75th percentile) and is 29 inches long (45th percentile). He said Easton was tall and trim, but it seems more like a little guy's stats. We'll see! He was very pleased with development and his appearance, said everything was great. Easton does have an ear infection and appears to be getting over an infection in the other ear. My tough guy didn't even act bad... but I guess that explains his attachment to me and waking up more at night lately! No shots today!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
9 Months

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Creating a Mom Cave

After being totally inspired by this desk I just knew I could do something similar! Big thanks to my understanding husband who lets me tackle crazy things like this, and to my dad for his power tools! So I ripped apart my husband's two closets (isn't he great!?) and condensed him to one, moving the single rods from both closets into the second closet making it a double rod closet! Still has two rods and two shelves, all his stuff is just in one closet not two.