Yesterday afternoon, Blake started developing a rash on her stomach above her diaper line and on her knees and feet. It was raised, red, and warm to the touch. It didn't seem to itch her, but if you tried to look at the big welts, she didn't like it. As the night went on, it grew and spread to her armpits, arms, legs, neck, and all over the trunk of her body. I spoke to the doctor and decided if it didn't get better, we would go in the next day. I stayed home from work and we endured lots of waiting room time and exam room time waiting to be seen... Luckily Tim went too and Blake was in a pretty good mood. Apparently, Blake had an allergic reaction to something. What - we don't know, but it could have been something she ate, came in contact with, something outside... who knows? Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night and the rash/hives went away mostly by Sunday, with just a little blotchiness remaining on her legs.

In the afternoon, Tim and I went to my appointment for Easton. It was a sonogram day! Grandma came over to sit while Blake napped so we could both be at the appointment. When we came home, Blake was having lots of fun! (I don't think you can tell from the picture, but the rash was on her cheeks too and made her eyes swell a little.)

31 Weeks
My blood pressure was great 121/82 (again, Tim mentioned that of course my blood pressure would be good - I didn't go to school that day!). Easton weighed in at 4 pounds and is measuring a week ahead of schedule at 32 weeks while he is only 31 weeks. The sonogram tech said he is long and should be about 8 pounds (so I guess he'll be a little under that if we go early like planned). He was being a little shy, but we got to see a little smile from his big chubby cheeks. We saw lots of wiggles and kicks. Everything is going great - all my fluid levels are good and he checked out great.

I can't wait to see that little face in person!!
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