At 20 months old, 4 new teeth have appeared! All 4 of Blake's eye teeth have popped through and are growing in (at the same time)... yay for teething. So now, Blake has 16 teeth.

- wears size 4 diapers, mostly 18 month clothing, but some 24 month or 2T for length, and size 7 shoes, and weighs about 26 pounds
- Are saying lots of new words and some "sentences" like dada-duice-awww (She will tell me her daddy gave her juice and she thinks it was sweet)
- likes to get in our bed and call me and Tim to either side of her to cuddle
- sits on the potty before bath every night... so far nothing has happened!
- the word she uses most is no! but you usually have to wait and see what her action is because her answer doesn't always match. Like, do you want another bite? She'll say no, but then open her mouth wide for a bite.
- She is nodding her head up and down for yes, but only does that sparingly. (usually it's still no)
- likes to be independent and try to do things herself

- is very silly! She loves to dance and make silly faces and noises to make you smile or laugh.
- loves baby dolls and stuffed animals. Blake carries them around in a single arm head-lock style, or hugged to her chest. She will pretend to feed them or give them a drink, and loves to put them "ny-ny" by covering them with a baby wipe or Kleenex!
- sleeps with Hippie (an already named, tie-dyed bunny). We have to have him before we can read our bedtime story.
- is an iPad genius! It's amazing to see such a little thing mastering the skill to do puzzles and play games and apps. She loves "her" (because she hates when Tim or I take a turn) "ipa!"
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