Because we're all going to be out of town for Thanksgiving, my side of the family had our Thanksgiving over the weekend. Katie, Hector, Santiago, and Travis all flew in on Saturday to spend the first part of Thanksgiving week with us, and it was great to be all together! I hadn't seen them since the 4th of July. I had to work on Monday and Tuesday also, so Blake got extra play time with her cousin. She calls Santiago "awnt-na" or "awk-na" something like that... so Santiago decided two could play that game, and he started calling her that, too!

They danced, rode scooters, drew with sidewalk chalk, colored with crayons, rode horses, rode the tractor, fed the neighbor's roosters and turkeys, went for Mule-rides (the vehicle, not the animal!), and just had a great time together. I loved watching them interact! They would hold hands and hug each other, too. If only I could squish Texas up and make us all live closer together...

I took these pictures with my phone, but hopefully Travis will share the pictures he took... I didn't get a good one of the kiddos head-on.

Today we leave town and head to Frisco for Thanksgiving Part 2! We are excited to go see Grammy (or Mammy as Blake calls her) and Grandpa, and looking forward to more great food and hopefully a trip to the Fort Worth Zoo!
Yesterday I went for my 27 week check-up for Easton. I was supposed to do my gestational diabetes test, but the doctor's office was so busy that I didn't have time before the lab closed. I will go back Monday for that and to get my RhoGam shot. My blood pressure was 122/90, and Easton's heart rate measured at 150 (I guess bpm...) Everything is looking good! An update on the rest of our week and more pictures to come soon.