I am the mom of an 18 month old.... WOW! It's hard to believe sometimes just how fast time flies when you're having fun. In just 5 months or so, Blake will be a big sister. When we talk about the new baby, she says "awwwww" and lays her head over (which is what she does to mean things are sweet or she loves them). I hope she always feels that way!

Blake is so much fun these days. She still loves to help around the house. If I need to empty the dishwasher, she hands me each dish one by one, and can even help put certain dishes in drawers that are low enough for her. She loves to help wipe off tables, or anything for that matter! She is a big helper around the house.

She also LOVES to ride horses. Blake gets to ride Gunsmoke, Poppa's teamroping horse, all the time. She is never ready to stop, I have to just say it's time to go. Then the bottom lip comes out and the pouting starts. I think she would ride for hours at a time! Anytime she sees Poppa with his spurs on, she demands to go to the barn too.

What a sweet girl! We get to go see how big she is at the pediatrician this Thursday, and also get to check on the newest Trevino for my 18 week appt.
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