Today Blake and I both had doctor appointments. Yesterday I woke up feeling bad so I took off Wednesday also. (Grandma and Poppa are in Philadelphia for a cousin's wedding, so it worked out pretty well timing wise.) It has been very nice being home even slightly under the weather...

At 18 months, Blake weighs 24 pounds, 8 ounces (55%) and is 34 inches tall (95%). She is meeting all milestones, and received 2 shots today (hepatitis a booster and flu shot). Usually she does well at the doctor's and doesn't cry until the shots, but today she wasn't happy being weighed, measured, having her ears or lungs checked or anything. In all fairness, the appointment was during her normal nap time!
At 18 weeks tomorrow, baby Trevino is doing well, too. My blood pressure was great today at 94/64 (Tim says due to my not being at school, ha!). Baby's heart rate was in the 150s, and we go back in 2 weeks to find out if our little one is a boy or girl!

I had to show how cute Blake looks today... Her hair is still a little wet in this picture from an early bath, but she let me fix it!! She ripped it out once after the picture-taking, but try #2 is still in tact.