Blake Michelle is 11 months old today!
Today's conversation went like this...
(As I tried desperately to get her attention)

"Huh? What... mom did you say something?"

"Stop? Oh, we're not reading a book right now?"

"Yes!!! Book time!" when she then decided not only did she need the book, she needed to get down to read it!

"BBBBBBTHTHTHMMPPPPPPPPP" (blowing raspberries, very happy with herself)

"Okay, I'll smile on one condition..."

"that I can keep my toy!" (She loves playing with the medicine dropper)
And here is our cutie pie, after her bath tonight. She is always a happy baby, but lately it seems she has been extra-happy, if that's even possible. She was in such a good mood, crawling around, turbo-speed.

Blake is "talking" alot these days, mama and dada are especially popular of course! She loves playing in the tupperware cabinet in our kitchen, loves crawling after our dogs, LOVES baths! (we've come a long way on that one), enjoys throwing stuff down to see who will pick it up for her, and is really getting strong on her feet. I wonder when she will walk?!? She weighs about 20 pounds and still has 6 teeth. Due to the extra snot and drool these days, I think another tooth might appear soon.
In other news, I am so excited to get to do all the mommy stuff for her upcoming birthday. I am in the midst of cake plans, invitation and decoration plans, menu, everything! I will post a picture of the invitations, if they turn out right due to the homemade-by-me factor.
Happy weekend everyone! I have Monday off from school, so here's to a 3-day weekend for me.
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