Look at these cutie pies! Blake and her friend Geneva had a good time playing together this weekend. It was the first time that they could both sit up by themselves while playing. Geneva started out with a big UT bow on a headband on her cute little head, but Blake snatched it off right away. Maybe because of the color??

Blake:"What are you talking about? It wasn't me!" Geneva:"That wasn't very nice Blake!"

They continued playing... pretty much every toy Geneva picked up and was playing with, Blake would reach for and take from her. We're really going to have to work on that! Blake will have to learn the importance of sharing with her friends.
While the babies played, the adults had a full day of college football. Grammy, Grandpa, Tori and Greg (Geneva's parents), and Rene all came over to watch with Tim and me. (Blake and I snuck off for a little bit for an afternoon nap). Both babies were glad that their daddies' teams won so they were both in good moods!

Here's the best seat in the house for watching the games!
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