Blake Michelle is 7 months old today. Sorry that it's been awhile since you've heard from us. I was sick last week and didn't make it around to blogging. We had a quick, but fun weekend with my sister Katie and nephew Santiago who were in town for her 10 year high school reunion. And yay!! Texas Tech finally found a quarterback (in my book, it's Taylor who??), so hopefully we can keep winning now....
But back to Miss Blake!

I have been really excited about Blake's first Halloween. I'm not especially big into the holiday itself, but I'm excited to start traditions as our family of three! So today we set off to the pumpkin patch at St. Luke's for some picture taking. (In future years, I know she will have fun running around, playing and picking out pumpkins like the other kids there). It was a drizzly, dreary day, but it was dry enough for our short adventure. Blake didn't know what to think of all the pumpkins!

She is really into feeling different textures, especially if she can scratch it. Today she really wanted to touch the hay!

Blake attracted some fans as her photo shoot was taking place. One sweet little girl kept asking us questions about her, and liked touching her bow! Isn't she cute all decked out in Halloween attire?
Blake continues to be a very happy baby! She is full of smiles and laughter, unless she really needs you to know something otherwise. She is snorting alot these days, and scrunches her nose up when she smiles. Blake is pretty generous with her hugs and kisses once you've earned them. She also loves to touch faces and pull on hair. Crawling is still being practiced... she can get up to her knees, rock back and forth a little, and then fall. It will be very soon I'm sure. She is also good at grasping things and bringing them to her mouth, especially her daddoo! And she's a really good eater (which she comes by naturally from both her mom and dad! sorry Blake!), and she has two bottom teeth in so far.