There might some people out there who would argue with me, but I feel that I have the best family in the world. I feel so blessed to have so many people in my life who I love and love me in return. I truly love and cherish both the family I was born into and the family I married into. God knows his plan for everyone and if you look around at the people in your life, you can see His plan. He has placed the people in your life there for a reason, so don't take anyone for granted. Especially when I look back in my life, I can trace certain people and decisions to wonderful outcomes. Looking around at the people in my life this weekend, I can see many paths that have come together in a wonderful way. My sweet Grandpa Bob left our world for a much better one yesterday morning. I feel so blessed to have known him and to have been a part of his life. I can't think of a sweeter or easier person to be around. He was so welcoming and had a laugh that made me happy. You can just see how full of life he was. Here he is meeting my Blake Michelle for the first time back in March.

I could list so many things that I love and remember about him. And I wish I could upload this picture, but it's from my wedding album... One of my favorite times with Grandpa Bob was at my wedding. He was wearing a blue suit, and we were dancing together, and we both have huge smiles on our faces because whatever he said to me was so funny and wonderful!
I miss him. Right about now, he's probably teeing off for 18 holes in Heaven.
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