Grandpa Ricardo, Grammy Tina, and Uncle Juan came in Friday night. We had Luigi's for dinner when they got here and Oscar's for breakfast with them on Saturday morning. Then at 1:00 on Saturday, June 20th, Blake was baptized in her private ceremony! No other babies showed up. Blake did great! She never cried and actually slept through the whole thing... I was worried she would cry, but cousin Santiago took care of that for her! She looked beautiful in a bonnet I had, a gown from Grandpa and Grammy, and white shoes printed with her name and birthday on the bottom.

Then we grilled hamburgers and hot dogs at our house. We had most of the women and babies inside, while the guys played bean bag toss in the backyard. Grandpa Ricardo and Pappaw Monty showed the young guys up, and swept the tournament. Tim said no one even got close to beating them!
Everyone left on Sunday, so we are back to our usual routine. Thank you to everyone for helping us celebrate Blake being baptized. It was great to see everyone again! We are planning on taking turns with Tim's parents on visiting once a month. One weekend they come here, next month us there, and so on, so they can see Blake more often. Right now Blake is asleep on her blanket, she is still exhausted from all the excitement and people, and didn't feel like tummy time this morning...
Congratulations to my parents today for 35 years of marriage! and Happy Birthday Bubba! Uncle Travis is 30 today!!
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