Wednesday, February 29, 2012
So Sweet
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
More Blake-isms
Red Solo Cup is her favorite song. She loves to sing "let's have a party!"
Funny pronunciations:
Remember= re-ember
When you ask her something, she always starts answering by "welp(well)" pause... And then will answer you.
Blake says "sometimes" about 100 times a day. "sometimes I like milk" "sometimes my doll needs a paci" Everything is sometimes!
Blake is talking up a storm these days!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Gymnast and Suckers

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
1st Birthday Party - Part 2

Happy First Birthday Easton!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
When I got home from my walk/jog today with the kids, I noticed a package on the porch. When I got closer I noticed it said ProFlowers.... the tag was addressed to Tim. Hmmmm. Who sent Tim flowers??? Just then he pulled in the driveway, I asked him who sent him flowers and he told me to open them! Look what I got! Beautiful beautiful tulips! And chocolates!
12 Month Well Check
Easton had his one year old checkup this morning. He checked out great! Easton weighs 21 pounds 3 ounces (26th %) and is 30 inches long (60th %). His head is 18.25 inches around (51st %). Easton got 4 shots and turned bright red while he screamed and cried... he immediately stopped when I could pick him up. And then we went next door to the lab to have his blood drawn (anemia check) where he didn't cry at all over his finger prick. We have a beautiful, healthy boy!
He goes back at 15 months and Blake will have her 3 year old check the same time (they wait until after the flu and asthma surge is over).
Monday, February 13, 2012
1st Birthday Party-Part 1

Friday, February 10, 2012
Super Student
Blake received the "super student" award at school today! I really think MDO has helped Blake become more confident and social. Her teachers are so sweet and always say "great, of course!" when I ask how Blake's day was. I'm so proud of my sweet girl!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Beautiful Messes
I am becoming much more laid back as time goes on. Marrying Tim started it, because he can always calm me down, and now having my two kids reinforces it daily. I just let a lot of messes happen and just clean it up. After all, I am so thankful to have kids and mess is just part of it. I would be sad to not have mess-makers in my life! And kids have to learn to clean up also... here's some examples:
Blake loved making a mess out of newspaper when she was younger and now Easton does too. This day he was throwing it everywhere and she thought it was so funny and was "taking his picture" like I was. (She has many an old cell phone that she uses)
Blake takes really good care of her dolls. They get their outfits changed, take bottles and pacis, nap under blankets, go for stroller and shopping cart rides... you name it, her dolls probably have it. Lately, Blake likes to do their hair, washing it, combing it, putting clips in... well, Blake came to ask me to help wash Sarah's hair. When I saw the doll, I couldn't help but laugh. Sarah the doll was covered in lotion! So she definitely needed a hair washing!
Not to say I never freak out... but usually you just have to laugh.