BOY!!! Today we went to the best appointment so far... sonogram day where we got to find out the sex of our baby. There is no doubt, it's 100% a boy. I was a little worried the baby wouldn't cooperate and be in the right position for us to tell, but he gave us about 5 great shots that are definitely showing his boy parts. Ha! Instead, the little guy would not show us his face! He was cuddled up and tucked head-down and wouldn't come up to say hi. So we get to go back in 4 weeks for another sonogram! They were able to get most measurements: 11 ounces, 41 percentile, and measuring at 20 weeks, 1 day (1 day ahead of actual age), so all is good. But they needed to check lips and nose, so another sonogram is needed.
My blood pressure today was 120/90, which I think was due to my excitement. I could hardly sit still as I waited for 3:00 to get here!!
I will post sonogram pictures later.