This morning we went to my first sonogram appointment. We brought Blake with us, too. Blake insisted on climbing up on the table to sit beside me. When the heartbeat was played aloud, she started bouncing up and down like she does to mean giddy-up for riding a horse! It was funny.

Everything is good with the baby. 2.3 cm long, right at 9 weeks today (which is what I thought, too.) The due date is Feb. 18th, but I am supposed to deliver around 38 weeks again for my blood pressure. I go back in 2 weeks for my first full OB appt.

Happy Friday! (Blake is now 16 months old, as of Monday.) We had to run to Target to buy more summer sandals after the doctor appt. since she already grew out of the size 5s I bought her this summer! She's getting so big!