Today's conversation went something like this...

"Mom, I'm way too busy to sit still!"

"Really? You wouldn't rather watch me crawl?"

"Mama, I'm outta here!" then as she spots the camera case nearby and grabs it....

"Oooooooh! pretty!"

"Nnnnummummuummmmuuummm" (Check out the eyebrows!!! ha ha)
Blake Michelle is 8 months old today. We think she is the prettiest little girl ever, with the spunkiest personality. She is quite entertaining!
At 8 months, she is wearing mostly 12 month size clothing, (for the length only... she is still fitting in size 9 month stuff but the pants are so short!) and is in size 3 diapers. Blake can roll and scoot to get anywhere she wants to go. She is just about crawling, being able to rock back and forth and move her legs or arms forward and then falling. As soon as she gets both arms and legs going at the same time, there will be no stopping her.

Blake now has 3 1/2 teeth (ha ha), really 4. Her two bottom front teeth are in, along with the top left front tooth. Her top right front tooth is just peeking through this week (so count that as the 1/2!) She is chewing/gnawing on everything she can get her hands on more than ever: toys, fingers, Daddy's watch, and even a TV tray leg!

Blake can pull up to her knees, and from the crawling position, she can just about push backwards into sitting position. She can say "da-da," "ma-ma" and other consonant sounds like "na, ba...." She loves to jump, blow bubbles and raspberries, make gargling noises, snort and crinkle her nose, pull on long hair, give hugs and kisses, be outside, dogs, peek-a-boo, sing along as others sing, and listen to music (especially music videos on CMT). Blake is a really good eater, and is starting to grab for the spoon to feed herself. I'm sure there is so much more, but I'll try to update more in the coming days. That's Blake in a nutshell so far!