We had a wonderful time in Frisco this past weekend. Grandpa Ricardo and Grammy Tina hosted a great bbq (brisket, sausage, chicken, macaroni and cheese, potato casserole, homemade tortillas, chips and salsa, baked beans.... I could go on and on about the food alone!).

Blake wanted to hang out with the guys - Grandpa Ricardo, Tim, and Juan finished the last of the cooking before people started showing up.
So many great people showed up, and I do mean many!! There was a good turnout of family and close friends who came over to talk, play washers and Uncle Juan's new favorite - bean bag toss! I was right in my prediction that Blake wouldn't feel anything but people's arms all weekend. Just about everyone got to hold her - some didn't want to have their turn end - and she was loved alot! Blake even received even more presents, which were not expected or required, but thank you to everyone! (thank you notes will be coming to everyone who wrote who their gift was from, if you didn't include your name, please accept this as your thank you note! We are very grateful!!)

Blake met her newest second cousins! This is Janna and baby Logan (2 mos.), Delores and baby Lana (4 mos.), Natalie and baby Jorge (2 1/2 mos.), and me and Blake (6 weeks). So many little cuties!
I was so excited to have Blake finally meet Big Daddy and Mammy, Tim's grandparents on his mom's side, and Mammy Petra, Tim's grandma on his dad's side.

Blake did really well for most of the trip. She slept most of the time in the car, and was great for most of Saturday. But when she had enough, she had had enough! By about 8:30, she was exhausted and tired of being passed around. Her schedule being messed up and having a very eventful day, it took about an hour to quiet down - yes she does cry for those that didn't believe she ever would! - and then she slept for 6 hours straight before waking up for another feeding.
All in all, a great weekend though!
P.S. - I have more pictures, so I will put them on Snapfish. Email me or Tina if you want a copy of anything.