Sunday, March 29, 2009
Out and About
Tim finally talked me into venturing into the real world with Blake. So yesterday, we bundled up for the cool weather, packed all the necessary baby gear in the car and set out to do some errands. Our first stop was...... drum roll please - Oscar's (big surprise there!) I can't remember the last Saturday I've been in town that I haven't had an Oscar's burrito, so needless to say, we had to drop in for lunch! Blake approves! After that, we went to a few stores like Stein Mart, Kohl's, Target... nothing too ambitious, definitely not the mall! She was the perfect companion, basically slept through the whole thing, only waking for short spurts. I have to admit, it was nice to get out of the house for a couple hours.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thank God!
I have just received the news from my family down in Houston that Santiago's surgery was successful! For those that don't know, he underwent surgery for his craniosynostosis (not sure if that's spelled right!) They said that once they removed the piece of bone, the plate immediately shifted now that it's not being restricted. It is such a relief and blessing to have such talented doctors that can fix things like this! I know I'm thankful my brother and I were able to be fixed 25+ years ago, and now my handsome nephew's head is perfect! From what I understand, they are getting the helmet sized that he will wear for the next 2 months or so that will continue to shape his skull perfectly! Thank God and thanks for all the prayers for Santiago, Katie, Hector and our family. I just wish I could have been there. I love you Ornelas'!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
First Checkup
Blake had her first checkup with the pediatrician this morning. My mom took us to help carry the car seat and drive us since I am still recovering (I have my first checkup this Thursday.) Everything went well! Blake is a growing and active girl. She is quite the wiggler! Born at 7 pounds 3 ounces, she dropped to 6 pounds 11 ounces at the hospital and gained 2 ounces back before we were sent home while she was still being treated for jaundice at the hospital. Today she weighed in at a whopping 7 pounds 10 ounces! We are proud that she has met and surpassed her birth weight, no need to worry that she isn't eating enough.
We had a little photo shoot yesterday trying to find the perfect picture for her birth announcement! Here are a couple - needless to say, she slept through the whole thing!
We had a little photo shoot yesterday trying to find the perfect picture for her birth announcement! Here are a couple - needless to say, she slept through the whole thing!

The Trevino's Bambino

Blake Michelle Trevino was born March 12, 2009 at 8:50 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces, and measured 19.25 inches at birth! Tim and I could not be any happier!
We checked into the hospital at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 12th. They induced my labor because of my high blood pressure. I was started on Pitocin right away, and was already dilated to 3 cm and contracting due to some prep work from the doctor the night before. The doctor broke my water at 7:30 a.m. and I was progressing quite well, to 4 cm, and then 5 cm. I stayed at 5 cm for quite a long time, it seemed to me, and by 6:00 or so that evening my doctor finally requested a C-section because of my "arrested dilation." It was a shock to hear because I was really scared I would be stuck in bed recovering from the surgery and not get to enjoy my little girl. But it all turned out okay in the end, I went into surgery around 8:30 p.m. and Blake was delivered at 8:50. It was so great to hear her cry after our long day full of surprises, including the nurse next door jumping in line to use the anesthesiologist for her patient's epidural when I had been waiting and waiting! But the waiting wasn't over yet... it wasn't until around 1:30 a.m. when they finally brought Blake into our postpartum room for Tim and I to hold her!
The C-section did not slow me down any! It wasn't anything near what I thought it would be, not so scary after all! We are loving life with our new addition to the family, our new Trevino bambino (title courtesy of Pappaw Monty!)
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